Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Trailer Trash


Andrew Moss

Crunchy 1

AlmaMay 2

Like There Ain't Enough Junk in New Orleans

Hurricane Berger King

Exhibition Opportunitiy for Visual Artists in New Orleans

a Boat

FixiNewOrleans 4


Clue 5


Chrome Girl

Texas *

Dear Fe 6

Ductaped Over

Old Nissy

Anyone Can Drive My Car

Shock of Curls 7



Thats Right Baby 8


Sugarbuddy 9

a Man 10

Property Hand Blood Clotting Thing

Clinic-ly Sane White & 49



Concrete Chips

Salt Lagoons 11

Beautiful Maladies 12

Roofin Mudjackin HouseMoving


Trailer Trash 2

Blackboard 13

Janis and Herman


Baby 14




Yin Yang Thing

Highway Crews Side of the Job 15

I Will Come When I Am Called 16


Lyric Booklet

a PDF document formatted to produce 8 pages with 2 sheets of 8.5"x 11 paper

1. Print Odd Pages Only
2. Return printed pages to printer
3. Print Even Pages Only
4. Trim & Fold in Half - see page numbers for orientation

Note - the two large images on this web-page are sized for
printing back to back to provide a Cover for the Booklet


* Guitar, Vocal and Song composition by Jake Fussell of the duo ChrisnJake

1 Roger Manley, 1996 in Conversation

2 Cafe Envie, Decatur Street, New Orleans

3 Remarks from The Lounge Car, Amtrak California Zephyr Crossing the Rockies, May 8 2001

4 Un-acorolla version by ChrisnJake

5 Jack Soman

6 Thought outside the Cool Beans Cafe, 4342 California St 94118 one cold December morning &

utterance by Wijarn Suranamee November 21 1988 in Nakon Si Thammarat on the eve of

the Once Every 13 Years Flood

7 Lisa DeAngelo

8 Poem by Jordan Davis

9 Dang-u-Sugarbuddies - thnx 4 the Sizzlers, Party Barge Weekends & Coupon, Free Massage

10 Do Not Ask Me

11 Guerrero Negro, Baja California

12 Letter from Genvieve Roulin

13 "infamous" Music Club in Bakersfield Ca, 1950-60's

14 Original 5thWheelers Song Co-written with Don Curran

15 by Richard Russell, NYDOT Light Maintenance Foreman, Booneville Ny

& published by the Schenectady Gazette 1958

Songs and Lyrics, except where noted, composed by Chris Sullivan

All rights are reserved and genial in most cases

Jake Fussell does the music

shows me how to phrase better, and he contributes good editing and

a fine couplet when he puts a mind to it -

("hope you like the flowers / I'll be back in 3 hours")
